" ... Your contribution literally made this experience for my child possible. Thank you BPBF!"
Please select how you wish your donation to be used:
Donate to our Principal Endowment Fund using link on right |
Donate to a particular scholarship by clicking the PayPal link below it:
Paris Music Scholarship
Berman SOSP/Percussion
Bogosh Jazz Camp Scholarship
Bogle Music Education Scholarship
BPBF H.E.A.R. Scholarship
Donate via US Mail by printing our form: |
Your donation helps us reach our goals!
Our goals help ensure the long term success of music in Sun Prairie Schools.
Donation Types
Cash Simplest and most convenient, cash can be given at any time and in any amount. Maximum tax advantages are enjoyed by the donor.
Materials Contributions of material goods needed to carry out operational or program activities of the Foundation are always welcomed. Tax deductions apply.
Securities By contributing securities, the donor may completely avoid capital gains tax while securing an income tax deduction for the current fair market value of the gift.
Real Estate A gift of real estate yields a deduction for the full market value of the property and avoidance of capital gains tax. The donor may retain the option of remaining on the donated property.
Bequests A bequest of cash or property through a will is usually fully tax deductible, reducing the taxable estate and therefore the estate tax. There are a number of ways to name the Foundation in a will.
Life Insurance The Foundation can be named as the recipient of dividends or as the beneficiary of a new or existing policy.
Pension or IRA A post-death gift of a pension or IRA to the Foundation reduces the estate and avoids the income tax penalties heirs would have to pay upon receiving those accounts.
Others Deferred gifts, such as Charitable Remainder Unitrusts and Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts include gifts which the donor transfers to the Foundation and receives a lifetime of interest
Materials Contributions of material goods needed to carry out operational or program activities of the Foundation are always welcomed. Tax deductions apply.
Securities By contributing securities, the donor may completely avoid capital gains tax while securing an income tax deduction for the current fair market value of the gift.
Real Estate A gift of real estate yields a deduction for the full market value of the property and avoidance of capital gains tax. The donor may retain the option of remaining on the donated property.
Bequests A bequest of cash or property through a will is usually fully tax deductible, reducing the taxable estate and therefore the estate tax. There are a number of ways to name the Foundation in a will.
Life Insurance The Foundation can be named as the recipient of dividends or as the beneficiary of a new or existing policy.
Pension or IRA A post-death gift of a pension or IRA to the Foundation reduces the estate and avoids the income tax penalties heirs would have to pay upon receiving those accounts.
Others Deferred gifts, such as Charitable Remainder Unitrusts and Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts include gifts which the donor transfers to the Foundation and receives a lifetime of interest
Tax Benefits
A gift to the Bernie Powers Band Foundation can provide substantial tax savings to the donor, which in effect reduces the cost of the gift:
Be sure to check with your tax advisor or legal counsel to see whether a gift of this type may be of advantage to you.
BPBF, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization. All contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible.
Check to see if your employer will match your contribution.
- Savings in income taxes by gifts of cash, securities, or property made during this fiscal year.
- Savings in inheritance and gift taxes by bequests, testamentary trusts or gifts, or living trusts.
- Savings in capital gains taxes when gifts of appreciated securities or other property are made.
Be sure to check with your tax advisor or legal counsel to see whether a gift of this type may be of advantage to you.
BPBF, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization. All contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible.
Check to see if your employer will match your contribution.

We received a $100.00 check from
Hausmann-Johnson Insurance of Madison.
An employee and current Sun Prairie Band parent, Kelley Ruplinger, requested the check our behalf.
Thank you, Kelley!

We received a $100.00 check from
Hausmann-Johnson Insurance of Madison.
An employee and former Sun Prairie Band student, Melissa Schultz, requested the check our behalf.
Thank you, Melissa!

Thanks to the community's Steinway Project Fundraising Campaign, the Sun Prairie High School's Performing Arts Center is the proud home to a brand new Steinway Concert Grand Model D Piano. This 9-foot piano was hand-selected by our musical faculty and has earned the praises of world renowned artists, as well as everyone that has had a chance to play it. When it is not being used, it is stored in its own climate controlled garage. A $20,000.00 maintenance endowment was included in the fund raising to help keep the piano in excellent repair for its lifetime. The funds are managed by the Bernie Powers Band Foundation.